Warp, Bow and more

From Wafers, PCBs to automotive parts and medical devices, precision in flatness, warp and bow is crucial. Our metrology systems deliver fast, non-contact measurements of these critical parameters with micrometer and nanometer accuracy.

Flatness Analysis

Quickly and efficiently analyze flatness, warp, bow and other critical parameters of your products. Either manually with ScanCT or fully automated using ASCAN.

Warp & Bow

Our systems provide high-resolution measurement and analysis of warp and bow, ensuring compliance with standards such as SEMI – supported by three-point alignment or customized interfaces.


Measure the flatness of your products with high-accuracy. Scan an entire part or multiple parts at once for individual or combined analysis.

Angle measurement

Perform precise angle measurements in both 2D and 3D. Need to measure an angle relative to a specific area? Simply place a reference cursor on the desired area and the analysis will automatically adjust to it.

Thermal Warpage & Stress
Our metrology systems with heating provide a heating plate or convection chamber for high-resolution thermal warpage and stress measurements. Define precise heating and cooling cycles, measure warpage and thermal stress at specified temperatures.

Automate your Flatness measurements with ASCAN

Do you have question about your Flatness measurements?

Non-Contact Measurement

For most flatness measurements chromatic confocal sensors are an excellent choice. However, for high-resolution measurements down to the (sub-)nanometer level we can configure our systems with confocal microscope or white light interferometer – or a combination of all.


With our range of sensor technologies and versatile system options, flatness can be measured accurately on almost any material. Achieve z-resolutions as fine as 0.1 nanometers or measure surfaces up to 650 x 650 mm².

Other Applications

Measure the thickness of transparent layers or the top surface.

Absolute thickness, thickness variations (TTV, LTV), parallelism or compare positions of features from top to bottom surface.

Let's discuss your needs to find the best solution for you.